read a little about me:
I have the worst luck, and I don't expect it to get any better. I'm always indecisive, and I foresee my anxiety attack in the next few years. I lack common sense, but I manage with the low expectations that accompany it. I'm never taken seriously, and you have all the reasons in the world not to take me seriously. I laugh at the indecent, mock the poor, and ridicule the ignorant - but i get my 'lefts' and 'rights' mixed up, analog clocks are my misfortune, and I'm a terrible driver. I have a few things going for me though: I've got good friends and good family. I've got idealistic ideals, and simple morals. I believe compassion, sympathy, and love, are all signs of insecurity and weakness. I could be wrong, but I have no interest to find out.



March 5 2009, 6:35 PM


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March 5 2009, 6:35 PM


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March 5 2009, 6:35 PM


dilligrout: see your hott =] 03-05-09 07:26 PM


  • Male
  • 16 years old


Photos 3
Comments 1
Page views 896
Last update Mar 5, 2009



berries and cream?

I’m a pretty random person.
I like talking to people.
I doodle at times, and when i do it's probably something really odd.
I would love to be a part of the X-MEN. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have some sort of power? I think so.
If i don't become a member of the X-MEN, I'd wanna go on MTV Made and be made into a boxer or a rapper so i can sell as many albums as Kanye or Lil'Wayne.
School is gay as hell.
I think I have my future planned out.
I just have to live up to it.
I laugh wayy too much.
I really don’t like my phone :[
I want my BB back!
I love telling people random facts. I also love hearing 'em.
I have a way of giving up too easily on stuff.
That only happens when I get too frustrated.
I listen to all kinds of music. I love it all.
I keep a lot to myself.
I enjoy singing even though i know I’m not good at it, lol
There’s usually a lot more running through my head than that random pointless stuff I say.
I act like I don’t notice stuff when I really do.
Watching the rain is fun.
Dinosaurs amaze me just like whales! Haha, I don’t know why


Ever been in love with someone.? I have and ive never felt this way for anyone nor anything in the world. The little things he/she do for you feels so good. But once you screw up or start making minor changes, It hurts a lot. Maybe some people aren't ment for love or simply it takes time till you find that right person. In my point of view. Ive been in love. And the weird part about it is that me and that special someone are not going out. We are just in love with each other. Sounds weird but it's something that people don't get that often. I hate it that we are apart. And i cant take it, not being able to hold nor see your beautiful face as i wake up in the morning. Maybe this is a task that we are getting to see if the love me and you have for each other is real or just a love game. There is times ware i hate putting you first than anybody else Since I've never done so, But you've shown me happiness, tender love, & and a place ware no one has ever taken me to. I say that it's killing me softly inside for the fact that i hate seeing people out in the streets kissing there partners, All i do is just wish i could do something like that. But till then i have to wait for my turn. I'm madly in love with someone and no one can take that away from me.